
Six of Pentacles

last update: December 12, 2024


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The Six of Pentacles represents generosity, charity, and the balance of giving and receiving. It signifies the importance of sharing your resources, whether they be financial, emotional, or material, and the harmonious exchange that fosters mutual growth.

This card embodies the concept of balance and fairness, encouraging you to give and receive with equal grace. It highlights the value of generosity and the positive impact it can have on both the giver and the receiver.

Suit of Pentacles

In tarot, the Suit of Pentacles is associated with material aspects, career, finances, and the physical world. Just as pentacles represent tangible resources, these cards reflect how wemanage, accumulate, and invest our material wealth and resources. A pentacle can symbolize abundance or scarcity, highlighting prosperity or the need for practical planning.


The Six of Pentacles typically features a benevolent figure distributing coins to two beggars, symbolizing generosity and charity. The pentacles represent material wealth and resources, while the act of giving signifies balance and fairness.

The scale often present in the image highlights the importance of equilibrium in giving and receiving. The presence of the beggars emphasizes the need for empathy and support within the community.


Historically, the Six of Pentacles has been associated with philanthropy, charity, and the ethical distribution of resources. It emerged as a card that underscores the importance of generosity and the moral responsibility to help those in need. Over time, tarot readers have interpreted this card as a reminder to maintain balance in your giving and receiving, ensuring that generosity is both sincere and sustainable.

Interpretation in Readings

In readings, the Six of Pentacles signifies generosity, charity, and the fair exchange of resources. It suggests that you may be in a position to give or receive support, whether financial, emotional, or material.

This card encourages you to balance your generosity with self-care, ensuring that your giving does not lead to depletion. It highlights the importance of fair exchanges and the mutual benefits that come from helping others and being open to receiving help.

Whether you're dealing with financial matters, personal relationships, or community involvement, the Six of Pentacles advises you to engage in acts of kindness and maintain equilibrium in your interactions.

Six of Pentacles as Feelings

When the Six of Pentacles represents feelings, it embodies generosity, compassion, and the desire to support others. You may feel a strong urge to give to those in need or to receive support from others, fostering a sense of community and mutual care.

Six of Pentacles as Outcome

As an outcome, the Six of Pentacles suggests that you will experience balanced exchanges and harmonious relationships. It indicates that by maintaining fairness and generosity, you will foster positive interactions and receive support when needed.

Yes or No Meaning

The Six of Pentacles generally leans toward Yes if the question involves generosity, charity, or fair exchanges. It suggests that acts of kindness and balanced giving will lead to positive outcomes.

It suggests No if the question involves selfishness, imbalance in giving and receiving, or unwillingness to help others. Without fairness and generosity, the desired outcome may not be achieved.

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Reverse Meaning

Reversed, the Six of Pentacles may indicate imbalance in giving and receiving, greed, or conditional generosity. It suggests that your acts of giving may be motivated by selfishness or that you are not receiving the support you need. This reversal calls for reassessing your motivations and ensuring that your generosity is sincere and balanced.

Six of Pentacles as Health

For health, the Six of Pentacles emphasizes the importance of balance and mutual support. It encourages you to seek help when needed and to offer support to others, fostering a sense of community and shared well-being.

Six of Pentacles as Finances

In finances, the Six of Pentacles signifies financial generosity and balanced giving. It suggests that you may be in a position to help others financially or that you will receive support when needed.

Six of Pentacles as Actions

As actions, the Six of Pentacles advises you to embrace generosity and seek balanced exchanges. This may involve offering help to those in need, being open to receiving assistance, and ensuring that your giving is thoughtful and sustainable.

Six of Pentacles as Future

As future, the Six of Pentacles indicates that you might encounter opportunities for generosity and balanced exchanges. It suggests that fostering a spirit of giving and seeking support when needed will be key to your future success and fulfillment.

Six of Pentacles as Intentions

When the Six of Pentacles appears as intentions, it reveals a desire to share resources and foster mutual support. Your motives center around creating balanced and fair exchanges, ensuring that both you and others benefit from your generosity.

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