
Five of Cups

last update: December 10, 2024


The Five of Cups represents loss, disappointment, and the sadness that comes from focusing on what's gone rather than what remains.

It often appears when regret, grief, or missed opportunities weigh heavily on your heart. However, this card also carries a subtle reminder: even in sorrow, there's a chance to look behind you and see what can still be saved, cherished, or rebuilt.

Suit of Cups

In tarot, the suit of Cups is associated with emotions, relationships, intuition, and the inner world of feelings. Just like a cup holds water, these cards reflect how we hold, manage, and pour out our feelings. A cup can be full or empty, symbolizing abundance or emotional depletion.


Typically, the Five of Cups shows a cloaked figure facing three spilled cups, mourning their contents. Behind this figure, two cups remain upright, representing the hope or resources still available, even if unseen.

The spilled cups symbolize what has been lost, but the presence of the remaining cups suggests not all is lost. The black cloak often conveys sorrow and introspection, urging a shift in perspective from loss to the potential for recovery.


Historically, the suit of Cups has linked to emotions, relationships, and inner states. The Five of Cups, as a middle card of the suit, depicts a turning point where emotional fulfillment has been disrupted.

Over time, readers recognized this card as more than just despair—it's a lesson in learning from disappointments, recognizing what can still be salvaged, and moving toward acceptance and healing.

Interpretation in Readings

In readings, the Five of Cups encourages acknowledging your feelings of regret or sadness. However, it also urges you to not become trapped in sorrow.

After mourning what's spilled, consider that life continues and there are still positive aspects to embrace.

Whether it's about a relationship ending, a missed chance, or a personal setback, the Five of Cups suggests emotional resilience.

By facing disappointment head-on, you can eventually find the strength to appreciate what's left and plan for a brighter future.

Five of Cups as Feelings

As feelings, the Five of Cups indicates sorrow, regret, or emotional heaviness. You may feel disillusioned or heartbroken, inclined to dwell on what didn't work out.

Good Example: Elena, after a painful breakup, allows herself to grieve but eventually acknowledges that this process can lead to deeper self-understanding.

Bad Example: Noah refuses to move past his disappointment, clinging to bitterness and refusing to see any silver lining.

Five of Cups as Outcome

As an outcome, the Five of Cups suggests a period of mourning or disappointment if no effort is made to shift perspective. It's a sign that you may need to accept what cannot be changed, then look for new paths or opportunities to move forward.

Good Example: After losing a job, Marcus takes time to grieve, then applies to roles better aligned with his true interests, making constructive use of the setback.

Bad Example: Cheryl fixates on her failure, refusing any encouragement or alternative routes, staying stuck in emotional stagnation.

Yes or No Meaning

The Five of Cups leans toward No if the question involves moving forward easily or expecting immediate positivity. When sadness, regret, or resistance to acceptance dominates, clear progress is hindered.

It suggests Yes only if you're willing to learn from disappointments and appreciate what remains. By embracing resilience, the answer can shift positively.

Example of a Question That Could Be a Yes:
Should I try again to pursue goal X I failed at in the past?

In this scenario, you need to ask yourself: Are you blinded by false hope? Have you learn from your mistake? If you have been open to learning from past disappointments the energy shifts positively, allowing the Five of Cups to lean toward Yes.

Spin the Yes or No Tarot Wheel for another card result here

Reverse Meaning

Reversed, the Five of Cups may indicate beginning to heal from grief, letting go of past regrets, or seeing the positive side.

Instead of dwelling on loss, reversed energy suggests a slow return to hope and emotional balance.

Five of Cups as Health

For health, the Five of Cups suggests that emotional upset or stress may affect overall well-being. Addressing sorrow, seeking support, and finding constructive outlets for feelings can aid in mental and physical recovery.

Good Example: Alex talks to a therapist after a loss, gradually restoring emotional equilibrium and improving his overall health.

Bad Example: Layla refuses any help, letting her emotional heaviness weigh her down, impacting her energy and physical vitality.

Five of Cups as Finances

In finances, the Five of Cups may indicate loss, regret over missed investments, or dissatisfaction with current arrangements. Instead of fixating on what went wrong, consider reorganizing, learning from mistakes, and exploring new financial avenues.

Good Example: After a financial setback, Jordan analyzes what happened and adjusts his strategy, emerging more informed and cautious.

Bad Example: Sarah clings to resentment about lost money, never examining how to rebuild or improve her approach.

Five of Cups as Actions

As actions, the Five of Cups suggests acknowledging disappointment and then choosing whether to remain stuck or move beyond it. It may involve seeking closure, apologizing, or simply deciding to refocus on positive aspects of life.

Good Example: Helena acknowledges her sorrow, talks it out, and then sets a goal to find something uplifting, like a new hobby or supportive friends.

Bad Example: Marius refuses to recognize his lingering sadness, rejecting any step toward comfort or renewal.

Five of Cups as Future

As future, the Five of Cups warns of potential disappointment or emotional letdowns ahead. Yet, it also implies that how you handle these feelings matters. Recognizing losses and seeking new perspectives can prevent you from sinking into despair.

Good Example: Anticipating possible setbacks, Dana remains open to learning from them, ensuring she'll adapt and find new sources of hope.

Bad Example: Ken fears any failure and decides to never try, locking himself into a future shaped by regret rather than resilience.

Five of Cups as Intentions

When the Five of Cups appears as intentions, it reveals a focus on loss or regret. Someone may be dwelling on what went wrong rather than seeking repair or renewal. While it can indicate a need to grieve, it's crucial they eventually aim to rebuild rather than remain in sorrow.

Good Example: The seeker asks about someone's motives: the card suggests they're processing their pain, hopefully leading to an eventual search for healing.

Bad Example: Mistaking mourning for hostility, the seeker assumes malice. They fail to see that the other person may just be feeling hurt and hesitant, not harmful.

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